Reactor tester UI

We reached the next staged to make Reactor to be more simple to demonstrate. Till now, it was possible to try it out through Swagger-ui and a chatbot, but from now on you can play with a browser based responsive UI to learn about Reactor. This UI enables all operations about cart based service manipulation: open a cart, order or remove product offerings or drop/commit a cart as you wish.

The first step is to get an API key, which you can do using the Request API key button. In the pop-up window, please add you email address, which you'd like to get your API key and submit the request. In some seconds you will have it in your inbox.

The next step is, to copy this to the API key field, what enables you to open a transaction aka shopping cart. In the message box on the top right, you see what Reactor responded to your action, as you may already saw it when you requested the API key. This area will display each time the messages came back, either they are informational or error type.

Pressing the Open button to open the cart it is expected that you will get the Reactor OK message and the Transaction ID will be set in the screen, and loading the list of Current Portfolio and Available Product Offerings. If you did not make special configurations, reactor will run by the default setup, which is described here: How to use Reactor APIs. In the Current Portfolio side, the buttons will be allowed or disallowed by Reactor declarations, for example product offering, which has Deleted (like ND) are not allowed to delete or modify.

On the right hand side in the Available Product Offering list, the items will have Add and Details buttons active. Add means, you order the given product offering, while Details show you the full set of information about that: in the demo the Long description filed is an extra to the listed elements and will contain the transaction ID in the case you are using the default setup.

As you add or delete a record, the lists will be refreshed, since your current portfolio and the next available items will be changed as the rules declare.

Please try the case of reading already existing carts! You may do it by opening one after the other, changing the Transaction ID filed to the first one and pressing the Set button (which behaves as a kind of refresh, as we will see later). If you do any changes on the cart, and then changed to another one to play with and coming back later, you will see the stage what you left before - having only one exception.

Multichannel operation

Please recall the news, that you can play the role of Santa Claus using a chatbot (BREAKING - Santa used Reactor!), which is interacting with Reactor. The chatbot uses its own API key as the article describes to open a cart for you. The welcome message set contain the transaction ID what you can copy into the Reactor tester UI to see what is there. After getting the information of the given transaction into the UI, please try to tell "Santa" if you were fine or not, which orders you the proper product offering. Re-pressing the Set button on the UI, you will immediately see the changed state. If you do a change on the UI, and query again about your offer in the chat, that also follows the change and will response the proper actual set of offers. Nothing surprise, since both user interface uses and interacts with the same central shopping cart. Following the Santa story, we would say that we reached the next step to let Santa to serve us on multi-channels.

Let's see the following screen video, which shows you step by step, making it more simple to follow and reproduce the game!

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